Jessica Alba Praises Her Children’s Nanny

It is rare that celebrities even admit to having a nanny, let alone come out to publicly praise them for their hard work and help. But this is just what Jessica Alba has done, with the actress taking to her Instagram account to extol the virtues of her child-minder.


Earlier this week, the Sin City star introduced Connie Simpson to the world, telling her fans how she has been part of the family since her eldest daughter Honor was born nine years ago.


“It set the stage for me to take on the biggest, most important thing that had ever happened to me,” the 36-year-old stated.


“She taught me how to bathe, breast feed and soothe my new baby. And taught me about the importance of taking care of myself and gave me the space to have all the feels and not feel so alone,” Alba continued.


Mrs Simpson has now penned a book called The Nanny Connie Way to help new mothers tackle the difficulties of life with a newborn and help them with the challenging journey of motherhood.


Alba, who is also the founder of The Honest Company, loves Nanny Connie so much, she has invited her back into her home to help her care for her third child, a son called Hayes.


Saying it “truly takes a village to raise kiddos”, the actress has acknowledged Ms Simpson’s help over the years from offering her guidance to giving her assistance in bringing up her three children.


Alba is not the only famous person to regard her nanny as part of the family, and Prince Harry’s former childminder was such an important person in his life, he recently introduced her to his new fiancée Meghan Markle during a trip to Cardiff.


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