Rainy Day Activities for Toddler
Au pair agencies can help you find a family who will help you to learn English skills, as well as getting some experience with children.
Children obviously need to be entertained, and this can be particularly challenging with rambunctious toddlers.
The English weather is notoriously bad, so it may be a good idea to have some idea of what to do with them when it is wet, windy or simply too cold to take small children out in for very long.
Here are some ideas to keep them entertained:
Tracing stencils
Though it is a long time before these children will learn to read and write it is a great time to get them to learn how to hold a pen properly. Get them to trace outlines of shapes using stencils, to get used to drawing accurately.
What child doesn’t like playdough? You can use playdough to teach a child about colour, or help them learn how to create different shapes. You can get them to model using their hands, or use stamps and pressing machines to make different textures.
If you have older children to entertain, you could even try making playdough with them using this recipe.
This is a great way to help children learn precision. Thread different objects onto yarn or string to make different patterns and shapes.
Match the colours
Use a muffin tin or a series of bowls to encourage a child to sort through a range of different objects. You could sort their Lego into different colours, or even their crayons. How about sorting different objects by size?
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